Kingdom Hearts 3

Design // Web, UI/UX, visual, interaction

Year // 2020

Tools // Adobe Illustrator, XD, After Effects, Photoshop

The challenge

This was a personal project I made for myself to redesign the Kingdom Hearts III website. The Kingdom Hearts series is a vibrant, colorful video game series with a complex story that I loved growing up. I waited 14 years for Kingdom Hearts III to be released but their current website is a bit disorganized and lacking an aesthetic that is reflective of how simple and clean the game UI is. I wanted to improve both the structure and the look and feel of the website.

The process

The process started with evaluating the current website and seeing where I can add improvements and doing some sketches to try to come up with a few new layouts.

Kingdom Hearts has always been a series involving the traveling to other worlds. I wanted to create a full screen experience to emulate that kind of world immersion for the user. I sketched out a few preliminary layouts, and then moved on to wireframing in Adobe XD to try to establish a more solid layout. I also created a small design system based on colors the franchise seems to use the most.

The current navigation bar has over 10 different options and could be overwhelming to the user. I wanted to decrease the number of items in the navigation bar, only highlighting important topics, and highlight the Buy Now call-to-action. I also wanted to create a better experience for a user to view screenshots of the game and get an adequate introduction to characters. I began to play with a few ideas I had about how objects would animate on screen after user interaction.

The final result

I decreased the amount of menu items, removing the patterned background and adding more full screens, and bolder elements allow for a clean and immersive website experience, as well as created some examples of some animations the user could experience.

All Kingdom Hearts imagery, screenshots, and video courtesy of the official Square Enix Kingdom Hearts website and officially released artwork.